Potential long-term impacts of being raised in a home full of arguments and tension 

a mom and daughter arguing

It’s critical to understand the potential long-term impacts of being raised in a home full of arguments and tension.

Emotional Self Sacrifice - Growing up in a house with a lot of arguing and tension can lead to developing the habit of working to try to keep everyone happy. You may have learned from a young age to ignore your own feelings and needs to avoid making things worse. Psychological impact - Constant stress during childhood can make you get used to putting others first. This habit can stick with you, and you might find it difficult to express your own needs as an adult.

Lack of Boundaries - If your parents didn’t make clear rules about personal space or respecting each other, you might struggle with setting your own limits in relationships. Psychological Impact - unclear boundaries as a kid can make it tough to figure out where you end, and other begin. This might lead to difficulties in saying “no” or understanding when you need space.

“Fixer” Mentality - If you often played the peacemaker at home, you might grow up thinking it’s your job to solve everyones problems in relationships. Psychological Impact - Trying to “fix” everything can be your way of feeling in control and avoiding conflict. It might be hard for you to accept that not every problem is yours to solve.

Overworking - Coming from a family with a great deal of arguing can make you want to succeed desperately. You might work super hard to feel like you’re in control and things are stable. Psychological Impact - Chronic stress and instability during childhood can push you to focus on achieving success. Overworking might be your way of trying to create a sense of order and safety in your life.

What can you do now?

Emotional Checkins - Engage in regular mindfulness practices to reconnect with your own emotions. Set aside moments to consciously check in with yourself, acknowledging your feelings without judgment. This practice enhances self-awareness, helping you prioritize your emotional needs and gradually break the pattern of self-sacrifice.

Body Scan Meditation - Use a body scan meditation to tune into your physical sensations and boundaries. This somatic practice involves systematically focusing on different parts of your body, supporting more awareness of personal space. Through consistent practice, you can encourage your brain to rewire and strengthen the connections associated with boundary recognition.

Reflective Journaling - Start a reflective journaling routine to explore and challenge the belief that you must “fix” everything and everyone. Write about situations where you feel the need to intervene and “fix” others or their problems. This approach can help over time to shift thought patterns in decision making, resulting in healthier choices for yourself.

Mindfulness - During breaks, engage in mindful activities like deep breathing, stretching, or a brief walk. This practice can help to rewire your brain’s association with overworking by instilling a healthier work-rest balance.

If you or someone you know are healing and looking to move forward with tenderness and companionship, the professionals at Counseling and Wellness Center are here to help. Call us at the Counseling and Wellness Center, located in Parkersburg or Belpre, and one of our trained professionals would love to help you out.


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